There’s no getting around it.  The traditional general education curriculum, the one presently frozen in bureaucratic place with subject-matter standards and standardized tests, is fundamentally flawed.  That curriculum:

•  ignores extremely important fields of knowledge
• denies the fundamental, systemically integrated nature of knowledge
• lacks criteria establishing the relative importance of various content
• vastly overworks memory to the neglect of all other thought processes
• has no overarching aim
• lacks built-in mechanisms forcing it to adapt to social change
• doesn't move smoothly through increasingly complex conceptual levels
• disregards the brain's need for order and organization
• fails to address complex, critically important moral and ethical issues
• casts learners in unnatural, passive roles
• neglects alternatives to text and speech as sources of learning
• lends itself to superficial methods of evaluation
  (just to begin a list).

These problems can be solved only by putting in place alongside traditional specialized studies a course that discloses to learners the holistic, systemically integrated nature of knowledge.  It’s aim should be simple, clearly stated, and understood by every teacher and learner – making more sense of experience.

Critically important to sense making is a clear understanding of the sense-making process.

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